Insights for Change

Empowering Leaders and Teams

The Power of Resilience

By The Human Performance Institute 2018 White Paper Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing

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Mindfulness in Action

10-Minute Guided Meditation

Indulge in 10 minutes of self-reflection with a focus on cultivating self-love. Follow along with Manoj Dias, co-founder and VP of Open, and an experienced meditation teacher, as he guides you through a 10-minute meditation session that emphasizes the importance of self-love.

The Method of Centering Prayer

Fr. Thomas Keating offers a basic introduction to the method of Centering Prayer. He begins by noting that the discipline of sitting daily in Centering Prayer is in service to nurturing a relationship with God. Fr. Keating discusses the four guidelines of Centering Prayer, emphasizing the receptive and non-violent nature of this method of prayer. 

Learn to Listen -Michael Singer

Are you truly present and actively listening during meetings? It’s common to believe we are, when in reality, we’re only hearing the inner dialogue in our heads. Attempting to silence our thoughts during a disagreement seldom yields results. Michael Singer suggests that listening, much like meditation, requires consistent practice. 

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An Evening with Thulani: Wednesday, February 28th 
Time: 10:00 AM (EST), 1:00 PM (PST), 8:00 PM (SAST) Duration: 1 Hour
Location: NY, 222-3344

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